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ICM Jumuah Announcements 9/13/19

Please donate for monthly expenses

Join ICM Youth and Triangle Muslims as we take part in Adopt a Highway tomorrow after Thuhr Prayer. We will be tidying up our assigned portion of Morrisville Parkway. All equipment will be provided

Healthy Living Classes at ICM. Say goodbye to obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. You are invited to attend Informal interactive classes with Br. Kesavan Nair free of charge. Each session is spread out in two one hours classes. We are offering two sessions to accommodate both morning and afternoon hours. Sign up at

Please note, the next date that Jumuah Prayer will be held in the MASJID ONLY is September 20

We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen