The following are the Recurring Youth Programs offered.

For information on special events please visit the Youth of ICM’s website

Elementary Halaqa (Tasty Tuesday):

Main coordinator: Br Hassan
Summary: This program serves the elementary age youth at ICM. The halaqa group has grown so much since its beginnings, that it has now been split into two groups to increase the effectiveness. The first group is for the 1st grade and under kids and the other group is for the 2nd grade and up youth. Topics that are covered include Oneness of Allah, manners and stories of the Prophets.
There are occasional outings planned for the attendees including bowling.
Timing: Every Tuesday from 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM followed by a “Tasty Treat” for the kids after Isha prayer.

Deen for Teens:

Main coordinator: Sr Sinthia
Summary: This new program for girls in Middle School is a new interactive activity plus discussion group for all girls. The sisters will engage in creative projects with supplementary thoughtful discussions. Topics covered so far include Allah’s names, Paradise and current events. The activities includes games and crafts to help them to remember and relate to the topics. This is our opportunity for girls to engage in meaningful art and service projects with peers, learning all the way!
Timing: Every Friday from 6:45 PM – 8:00 PM.

Middle School Boys Halaqa:

Main coordinator: Br Hassan
Summary: This program combines fun with serious discussions of current events, relevant Islamic topics and series of service projects that are organized and executed by this group. This purpose of this program is to instill love of service, and knowledge through service, thus development through service.
Timing: Every Friday from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.

Friday Night Boys Program:

Main coordinator: Br Younes
Summary: This program draws youth of all ages for a combination of fun and development. The majority of the programs includes activities such as basketball, soccer, dogdeball, video games, football, and board games. The program also includes a talk and of course PIZZA!
This group is led by dedicated volunteers who also arrange other activities including service projects, sports outings, and tournaments.
Timing: Every Friday from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM.

Girls Night Program:

Main coordinator: Sr Tara
Summary: This program is for girls age 5 and up. The girls are divided into three groups: Elementary (age 5-8), middle (age 9-12) and high (age 13 and up. The girls get together to participate in different activities according to age group, including halaqas, discussions, crafts, and general fun. The program provides a great opportunity for girls to meet other Muslimahs in the community and create long lasting bonds of sisterhood.

Girls Night at ICM provides a comfortable and fun Islamic environment where they can relax and connect with others like them, often after a long week of school and assignments. Girls Night is also great for developing leadership skills, providing opportunities to give halaqas to their group or a younger one, or even lead an activity. Volunteers work very hard to make sure that the girls have a good balance of learning and having fun each week.
Timing: Every Saturday from 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM.