ICM is now open for the daily five prayers. We will still adhere to the needed precautions: Please bring your own prayer rug, wear a mask and make wudu before arriving at ICM. Observe social distancing and wait outside if directed to do that by volunteers to avoid crowding the Masjid. ICM will hold four shifts of Jumuah Prayers: INDOORS and OUTDOORS. Volunteers on-site will control numbers and provide guidance on the exact location of prayer to maintain social distancing. All 4 Khutbah shifts will be short, so please arrive on time to avoid missing the salah.
It has been declared permissible by multiple Islamic organizations for Muslims to pray Dhuhr in their homes and work instead of praying Jumuah in the masjid due to current necessity.
Note: ICM employees, including the Imam, will be working from home and will only come to the masjid occasionally to take care of administrative tasks.
This is the time for acknowledging our weakness and neediness before Allah and our reliance on Him; it is a time of repentance and beseeching Him for assistance; it is a time for having trust in Him and good thoughts of Him. Remember Him much and increase your good deeds during the day and night. Be in the service of His creatures, especially those of them who are weak and needy.
May the Blessings of Allah and Peace be on Muhammad, and all praise belongs to the Lord of the Worlds.
Do not come to the masjid to decrease chances of spreading or contracting the virus if:
1- You have recently traveled (international or domestic).
2- You have been in recent contact with a person that is suspected to have or has been confirmed with COVID-19.
3- You have any symptoms of illness such as cough, fever and symptoms of the common cold or flu, etc, and if you are caring for someone with these symptoms.
4- You are in a vulnerable population or have close contact with someone who is 60+ years old, expecting a child, or a child under 12 years of age.
5- You have pre-existing chronic illnesses such as asthma, uncontrolled diabetes, COPD, cancer, etc.
Jazakum Allahu khairun we appreciate your cooperation in these matters.
For the mean time follow the guidelines below when attending other prayers at the Mosques:
1. WASH YOUR HANDS – wash your hand often with soap and water for at least a few minutes, especially after any prayer gatherings
2. NO HANDSHAKING, HUGGING, ETC. – Avoid physical contact while at the Mosque for Salah to reduce the spread of disease
3. ESSENTIAL INDIVIDUALS ONLY – Individuals such as old, weak, sick, women, children and travelers should avoid coming to prayers at the Mosque
4. BRING YOUR OWN PRAYER MAT – Sit on your own prayer mat during Salah and afterwards go home and wash it.
5. COVER YOUR COUGH AND SNEEZE – Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use your arm to cover. Throw away immediately the used tissue and wash your hands
6. SICK WITH FEVER OR COUGH – If you have a fever, cough, flu like symptoms or have been in contact with a coronavirus infected individual or traveled. Please stay at home and call your health care provider immediately. More information on health precautions can be found via NCDHHS at ncdhhs.gov/coronavirus