Event details
- Saturday | Saturday, April 10, 2021
- 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
- Musallah
Date Saturday April 10, 2021
Location: ICM and Online
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/icmramadhan
Brief Description: This lecture will reflect on the virtues of the month of Ramadan and some key juridical issues related to fasting. Also, this lecture will discuss some relevance to Taraweeh, Itikaf, and Sadaqat al Fitr if time would allow.
Sh Manzar Bio:
Shaikh Manzar ul Islam al Azhari was born in India in 1980. He attended a traditional school for 8 years to complete his Alim education learning languages including Urdu, Persian, and Arabic. He then completed his undergrad in Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University in Cairo. He served in Egyptian Darul Ifta for one year to complete his qualification as a Mufti. After moving to the US, Shaikh Manzar studied at UNC Chapel Hill, Oxford University UK, and completed his M.A. from Duke University, he also taught courses at Duke University. Under his supervision, his student Dr. Lipton published a book on Ibn-Arabi. Currently, Shaikh Manzar is pursuing his Ph.D. from Cape town University in South Africa. He has published over 50 research papers and books. He has presented his work in several International Universities. He is currently the religious director and resident scholar at Islamic Information Center, Las Vegas ( Masjid al Noor)