Jumuah Announcements 10/20/17
Assalamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
- Please donate for monthly expenses and our Food Pantry
- All weekend youth programs: girls and boys halaqas are active. Visit icmyouth.org for details
- ICM management is looking among local community members for businesses or individuals needing space to rent (either one or multiple offices) or have an idea about starting something at ICM facility. Br. Shakeel Ansari is coordinating this effort. Please contact him at shakeel@kassoki.com for additional information.
- Tomorrow, Saturday at 2:00pm there will be a presentation at ICM on the historical, cultural, and spiritual origins of holidays to help us better understand how we as Muslims approach this time of the year. This is intended for anyone in grade 7 and up. See icmyouth.org for details
- In collaboration with Mad Science, ICM YC is thrilled to announce MadScience Club for our Elementary Youth Grades KG – 5! Program starts Saturday 28th @ 2 PM. Curriculum: NASA: Academy of Future Space Explorers
For more info: www.icmyouth.org/madscienceclub/ - Only 1 week left to register for “Once Upon the Nile: The Epic of Moses” at NC State on October 27th through 29th, taught by Sheikh Mohammed Mana.
Secure your seat now, please visit www.QRihla.org for scholarship and babysitting info - Apex Mosque’s The Beloved Seerah Conference begins today at 5pm in sha’Allah. Visit apexmosque.org for details
We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen