Jumuah Announcements 2/5/16


Assalamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
ICM Announcements:
  • Please donate for monthly expenses
  • Tonight is the new Middle School Girls Halaqa from 6-6:45. It is open to all Middle School girls.
  • In sha’Allah today there will be the Middle School halaqa for brothers at 6:30 followed by the Friday Night Youth Program from 7:30 -9:45 pm at the ICM Facility.
  • Girls Night meets tomorrow from 5-7:30 pm
  • ICM will be having their Annual Fundraiser this year on March 12th, 2016 in order to raise funds for the upcoming renovations to the recently purchased ICM facility to bring it up to code required by the Town of Morrisville Planning department to allow for its use for Jumaa and Taraweeh prayers. Please spread the word to family and friends and plan to attend. More details will be announced shortly.
  • All High School youth are invited to a free Bash and BBQ at Bond Park February 13 from 2-5 pm. We will be playing Bubble Ball, hanging out and having a BBQ in sha’Allah. It’s FREE! See the flyer for details.
  • The Youth Committee would like to invite everyone to the upcoming kick-off of the new committee and the programs of 2016. We will be announcing exciting programs, as well as new methods of metrics. We look forward to seeing you and your family in sha’Allah ta’ala. When & Where: Saturday 2/20 after Ishaa prayer at ICM. Bring a dish and spread the word!
  • As of February 8th Morrisville Parkway will be closed between Quail Fields Ct and Crabtree Crossing Parkway so that the work may be completed on the new railroad crossing. This road may be closed for 6 months. See the flyer on the bulletin board for details.
  • ICM Shura is looking for volunteers for the following committees: Safety and Security committee and Ramadan and Taraweeh committee, Education Committee, Imam Committee, and Volunteer Committee. Please see Br Ahmed Khalil, Br Haroon or Br Asif Rashid if you are interested.
  • Cary Masjid invites everyone to an event, titled as “HATRED HAS NO GLORY” to be held on Sunday, February 7, 2016, 2:45 – 5:30 PM at Cary Arts Center, 101 Dry Ave, Cary, NC. Visit www.carymasjid.org for details and to sign up.
We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen.