Assalamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
ICM Announcements:
Please donate for monthly expenses
Ramadan 2016 Fundraising update: Alhamdullilah with Allah’s blessing and the generous support of the community the 107 Quail Field Ct. ICM facility has been paid off. We raised $150K in our Ramadan 2016 fundraiser. As a reminder, please fulfil your pledges as soon as possible if you haven’t done so already. Jazak Allah Khairun for all those who contributed to this worthy cause.
Renovations Update: The cost of the town’s approved renovation plan is $285K. As ICM has only $150K at its disposal for renovations, the construction team is going back to Town of Morrisville to seek a more simplified and cost effective renovation plan.
University Islamic Financial (UIF) has been approved to offer Islamic Financing in the State of North Carolina! As part of our initial state rollout we would like to conduct an educational presentation on our Islamic Financing Program at Islamic Center of Morrisville. Br. Aijaz Hussain, Sr. Vice President at UIF will be traveling from Chicago to conduct these presentations.
The presentation will be at 7 PM on Friday August 19th at Four Points SHERATON on Airport Blvd. -
Al Mizaan will be holding an open house with an information session and open house this Sunday from 12 – 1:15 at the ICM facility
ICM Social & Welfare Committee invites everyone to sign up for their email list for volunteers. There are times when volunteers are needed and this will allow the committee to contact you easily. Please send a message to Sr. Fouzia at:
Middle school halaqa for boys meets tonight at 6:15 and the Boys Night Program from 8 – 10pm.
Deen 4 Teens program for Middle school girls meets tonight from 6:45 – 8:00
The girls night Program will be held tomorrow from 5:00-7:30 pm
The Elementary youth will be going Bowling at Buffalo Lanes next Tuesday August 9 at 6pm. Sign up at space is limited
Community Announcements:
Support the local refugee/immigrant children through UMR Triangle’s Supply School Drive. Drop off locations include Apex Masjid, IAR, ICM, JIAR on Fayetteville St, and JIAR at Parkwood or you could donate online.
Look out for the UMR Triangle School Drive Flyers. -
The IAR Raleigh Hajj Group has only five more seats left for this year. The dates for the hajj travel are September 2, 2016 until September 17, 2016. The package will be closing in next few days so please contact Br Hassan Masood at 919 986 1872 to reserve your seat.
We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen.
Klaus Leidorf on