Jumuah Announcements 9/8/17
Assalamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
Please donate for monthly expenses, you can now donate in person using credit card. See Imam Abdenasser to donate this way.
ICM will be having its first monthly potluck on Sunday September 10. Our special guest speaker is Imam Suhaib Webb. The program will begin after Asr prayer in sha’Allah.
Deen 4 Teens, a middle school girls halaqa meets tonight from 6:45-8pm
Middle School and High School Boys halaqa meet tonight from 7-8
Boys Night will meet tonight from 8-10 in sha’Allah and Girls Night meets tomorrow from 5-7:30.
ICM is looking for Khateebs for their Jumuah Prayers. This opportunity is open to adults and youth. Please see Imam Abdenasser if you are interested.
ICM Social Welfare committee is accepting monetary donations to assist those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Specially labeled envelopes may be deposited in the donation bin at ICM.
Registration is now open for ICM First Lego League. Only a few spaces are available, don’t delay, go to icmyouth.org to register.
Registration is now open for the second session of Amplified. Sign up to learn video productions, basic cooking skills, Java, auto mechanics and web development. Visit icmyouth.org to register!
ICM Youth Committee is Looking for Motivated and Talented Youth to Organize an Upcoming Youth Conference. This is a Conference for the youth, organized by the youth! For more information on this unique opportunity, visit www.icmyouth.org
Apex Mosque’s The Beloved Seerah Conference will take place from October 20 – 22 in sha’Allah. Registration is now open. Visit apexmosque.org for details
We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen