ICM Shura 2016
Saturday, January 30, 2016Shura Meeting MinutesICM Shura 2016 Officers and Members ㅡ 28 January 2016 The first meeting of 2016 ICM Shura was held on Jan 16. The Incoming Shura elected the following for 2016: Br Saad Jafri, as Chair of the 2016 Shura Br Isa Ibn Matta, as Vice-Chair Sr Safia Shah, as Secretary...
ICM Shura Nominations
Sunday, November 22, 2015Special AnnouncementsBismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem Nominations for ICM Shura Elections 2015 are now open. Use this form to submit your nominations electronically.Today the ICM Shura Nomination Committee is announcing that it is now accepting nominations for new members of the Shura, a policy making body that appoints, oversees, guides and directs activities...
Jummah Annoucements – Friday, November 6, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015Jummah AnnouncementsICM Announcements: Please donate for monthly expenses Inshaa Allah ICM will be holding elections for 5 open positions on the Shura in December. We will begin accepting nominations for candidates in the coming weeks. Please start thinking of who you would like to nominate to fill the openings. A nomination...
Jummah Annoucements – Friday, October 30, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015Jummah AnnouncementsICM Announcements: Please donate for monthly expenses Beginning next Friday, there will be only 3 shifts for Jumuah Prayer. The 3rd shift will begin at 2:30 insha Allah Insha’Allaah starting Today, Friday, October 30th, there will be a Middle School Boys Halaqa from 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM at the...
Jummah Announcements – Friday, October 23, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015Jummah AnnouncementsICM Announcements: Please donate for monthly expenses Tonight’s Friday Night Boys Program will meet at NetSports from 8-10 pm. Girls Night meets tomorrow from 5-7:30 pm InshaA Allah starting Friday, October 30th, there will be a Middle School Boys Halaqa from 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM at the ICM Facility....
Jummah Annoucements – Friday, October 16, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015Jummah AnnouncementsICM Announcements: Please donate for monthly expenses Tonight’s Friday Night Boys Program will meet at NetSports from 8-10 pm. Girls Night meets tomorrow from 5-7:30 pm All High School girls are invited to a movie night on Saturday from 7:45 – 11 at ICM. ICM is still looking for volunteers...
Jummah Announcements – Friday, October 9, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015Jummah AnnouncementsICM Announcements: Please donate for monthly expenses Tonight’s Friday Night Boys Program will meet at NetSports from 8-10 pm. Girls Night meets tomorrow from 5-7:30 pm. Imam Abdenasser’s regular programs will be resuming this weekend. For details please go to www.icmnc.org and click on the programs tab. Insha Allah Al...
Jummah Annoucements – Friday, October 2, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015Jummah AnnouncementsICM Announcements: Please donate for monthly expenses Tonight’s Friday Night Boys Program will meet at NetSports from 8-10 pm. Girls Night is canceled this week. Insha Allah Al Mizaan School will have an Orientation and Admission day on Sunday October 4th at 11:00 am. All students and parents are requested...