- Please donate for monthly expenses
- The ICM Social and Welfare Committee is launching a campaign to collect basic food items for Ramadan to distribute to the families who come to the Food Pantry in our “Welcome Ramadan Food Box”. Collection boxes for food items will be at ICM and any monetary donations for this campaign can be given to the Imam or dropped in the masjid donation box. The cost to sponsor one complete box is $90, but any amount is welcome. Please mention ‘RAMADAN WELCOME BOX’ on the envelope. We will be packaging the boxes on April 27. As in past years, during Ramadan the ICM Food Pantry will be open every Saturday to serve families in need, in sha’Allah. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. May Allah reward you all & may your charity be a shade for you in the Akhira. Ameen
- Saturday April 13th ICM Youth Committee and Triangle Muslims will be having their 7th Adopt a Highway cleanup on Morrisville Parkway between Chapel Hill Road and Davis Drive. We will be meeting at ICM for Thuhr Prayer and then spread out on our route. All materials will be provided. Please join us with your children as we do our part to take care of our community.
- The Al Mizaan Leadership Academy will be holding an open house and registration for the academic year 2019 – 2020 in the musallah on April 28. For more information, contact Al Mizaan at almizaanla@gmail.com
- ICNA Relief is holding their annual banquet on April 14th, from 6pm to 9pm. The goal of this banquet is to raise funds to purchase our 1st transitional home for sisters! The banquet, themed “Celebrating Stories of Our Success”, will host Sheikh Majed Mahmoud, Ibrahim Abusway, and Comedian Baba Ali! Tickets are $15 and can be found at icnarelief.org/ncbanquet. Babysitting will be available.
- Al-Huda Academy Islamic School is proud to invite you all to attend the 1st Annual Pre-Ramadan Carnival & Fundraiser event on Saturday Apr 27th from 2pm to 7pm. Please contact PTO organizer Sr Rida @ 919-672-9500 or email AHAPTO@alhudaacademy.net for more details. We will a have Quran competition, crafts, 1 min games, bounce house, dunking booth, rock climbing and more.
- Please note, on the following dates Jumuah Prayer will be held in the MASJID ONLY: May 3, May 10 and September 29
We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen