ICM Jumuah Announcements 5/18/18
- Please donate for monthly expenses
- ICM’s Annual Fundraiser will be held tomorrow, Saturday May 19 at 6pm. Our special guest speaker will be Imam AbuTaleb. Dinner will be provided after the event.
- There will be no taraweeh at ICM facilty on Saturday. All taraweeh will be at one eleven place after the fundraiser dinner
- The new sisters halaqa will be held at ICM 6:00 tonight.
- Special youth programs for elementary and up are planned for Ramadan, see icmyouth.org for details
- ICM needs volunteers to help with Ramadan activities in both Taraweeh locations. If you are interested in helping out the community to make the most out of this Ramadan, then please send an email to khalilaa@gmail.com
- ICM Food Pantry needs your donations. It will be open weekly during Ramadan. Please donate food items in the box at the masjid. Monetary donations are welcome.
- ICM is offering its new banquet hall facility to the community for Iftar and other social events. Please contact facility manager at facility@icmnc.org to make a reservation.
We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen