ICM Jumuah Announcements 8/24/18
- Please donate for monthly expenses
- Due to Eid ul Adha, Youth Programs are canceled this weekend and will resume on Monday iA
- ICM Monthly Potluck will be held Sunday September 2nd. Signup at icmnc.org to bring a dish to share
- ICM Youth committee is happy to now offer a Quran Program for children age 2-5 on Mondays 10:30-11:30 am see icmyouth.org to register
- Registration is now open for the Fall session of ICM Youth Quran Program for everyone age 6 and up. Semester begins September 17, register at icmyouth.org
- MAS Raleigh is happy to announce an online workshop series “Understanding of Quran through the Seerah of Prophet (peace be upon him)” taught by Dr Ihab Saad. The online sessions will be on Thursdays twice a month and begins Aug 30th 8:15 pm. For details and registration link, please contact MAS Raleigh at (919) 504-2448. Jazakallah u Khairan
- Al-Maghrib Triangle is happy to announce it’s upcoming class “Love Notes: Marriage and Family Life”, coming to Raleigh on November 16th through 18th with Sheikh Yaser Birjas. Please see Al-Maghrib Triangle’s Facebook page or qrihla.org for more details.
- ICM Food Pantry needs your continuous donations. Please donate food items in the box at the masjid. Monetary donations are welcome.
We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen