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Jumuah Announcements 3/8/19

ICM Jumuah Announcements 3/8/19


  • Please donate for monthly expenses
  • ICM Food Pantry needs your continuous donations. It is open on the first Saturday of each month to those in need. Please donate food items in the box at the masjid. Monetary donations are also welcome.
  • Daylight savings time begins this Sunday, please note the changes in prayer schedule that can be found at
  • ICM Women’s Committee invites all sisters to a tea party next Friday March 15 after Maghrib Prayer. We will meet in the ladies area for fun activities and interesting topics of discussion.
  • Please note, on the following dates Jumuah Prayer will be held in the MASJID ONLY: March 29, May 3 and September 29
  • There will be a Matrimonial Event at Apex Mosque on Saturday, March 9th. The participants ages 18 to 39 will meet from 2pm to 3:30pm. The participants ages 40 and up will meet from 3:30pm to 5pm. 
  • The MSA at NC State University will be hosting it’s annual MSA Night on Friday, March 8th at 5:30pm with Ahmad Ali Akbar in Stewart Theatre in Talley Student Union. Tickets are available for $15 online


We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen