ICM Jumuah Announcements 6/14/19
Please donate for monthly expenses
The ICM Women’s Committee invites all Sisters to our monthly Women’s Tea tonight in the Women’s Musallah from 6:00 – 8:30. We will be discussing Maintaining the Momentum after Ramadan. This event is for ladies only, no children please.
Do you know any youth who have a business? Triangle Muslims is partnering with ICM Youth Committee to bring to you YOUTH BUSINESS EXPO on July 27th. We are inviting youth of all ages to participate in this event. For questions, call/text 919-925-2279
Please note, the next date that Jumuah Prayer will be held in the MASJID ONLY is September 29
We ask Allah (swt) to forgive all of our brothers and sisters who have passed away and ask Him (swt) to give speedy recovery to all who are ill. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Ameen